Learn Kalmyk with a polyglot Dmitry Petrov

Learn Kalmyk with a polyglot Dmitry Petrov

With the participation of the creator of the author's methodology for accelerated learning of foreign languages

1 lesson


2 lesson

We continue to learn the Kalmyk language

3 lesson

Learn Kalmyk according to the method of the polyglot Dmitry Petrov

About the project

Free access for everyone
This is a humanitarian project, it is being done so that the Kalmyk people not only preserve, but also make their native language applicable in modern times
16 episodes across all video platforms
In 16 hours, thanks to the method of the polyglot Petrov, anyone can master conversational Kalmyk language
Author's method of accelerated learning of foreign languages
Dmitry Petrov's author's technique resulted in 8 seasons of the "Polyglot" program on the "Culture" channel and helped millions of people pave the way to a dream
Apps for iOS & Android with graphics and voiced content
Mobile apps based on the course program will be available in official app stores worldwide. Including children's versions with fun graphics
  • Изображение
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    Reality show of 16 episodes, which will allow everyone to master the structure of the Kalmyk language
    and create an environment for its application

    The course is based on the methodology of the polyglot and translator Dmitry Petrov, author and host of the Polyglot program on the Kultura TV channel

    Dmitry Yurievich is ready to apply his experience
    and knowledge in learning more than 30 languages for the revival of the Kalmyk language
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    I heard about the problems of the Kalmyk language, its current state, and I think that the situation is quite fixable

    I know that many native speakers and ethnic Kalmyks are worried about the threat of the disappearance of a language, and the disappearance of any language is a tragedy

    We must not allow this, and if there is interest in this, then of course we will come up with something to help this.
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    Dmitry Petrov is known as the host of the TV show "Polyglot" on the Culture channel. In total, 8 seasons of the program were filmed in the format of a reality show. He speaks more than 30 languages and is the author of his own method of accelerated language learning

    The polyglot enthusiastically accepted the opportunity to create a course on the study of the Kalmyk language, and sees this as an opportunity to support the culture of the Kalmyks, help preserve and revive it, and also preserve the language

    Videos with the polyglot Petrov


    Implementation of the project "Learn Kalmyk in 16 hours"

    About the program for the revival of the Kalmyk language
    First step
    Learning the Kalmyk language by Dmitry Petrov, filming an introductory lecture
    The first stage is already in progress, the introductory lecture has been filmed. Polyglot studies Kalmyk with the support of Kalmyk teacher Sergey Artaev and PhD student Gilana Chulchaeva
    Second step
    Shooting a video course lasting 16 episodes, 40 minutes each
    Training of 8 participants who will take part in the filming and master the Kalmyk language at a conversational level, in 16 lessons. The video course will be published for free viewing on the main video platforms
    Third step
    Release of a methodological manual based on the course program in PDF format
    The editors of the project will prepare a program for the study of the Kalmyk language for release in the form of a methodological manual based on the methodology of the polyglot Petrov. The grant will be available to everyone free of charge.
    Fourth step
    Creation of mobile applications for iOS and Android
    Mobile applications with the course program are created based on Flutter cross-platform technology and will be available through official app stores around the world
    Fifth step
    Children's mobile apps for iOS and Android
    Mobile applications for children with graphics and visualization with the course program are created based on Flutter cross-platform technology and will be available through official app stores around the world
    • Изображение
      8 enthusiasts and Dmitry Yurievich after filming

    Let's revive our native language Together!

    We will do our best to effectively teach our native language

    A project for everyone who wants to know the Kalmyk language

    It is suitable not only for representatives of the Kalmyk ethnic group, but also for everyone, as it is based on an effective author's method of accelerated learning of foreign languages


    Svetlana Mandzhieva
    Thanks a lot to Dmitry and the whole team for this wonderful and necessary project! Thanks to Dmitry's methodology, a few years ago I quickly mastered the Spanish language, and how I dreamed that Dmitry would develop a program in the Kalmyk language! With great pleasure I will watch this program!
    N N
    Dmitry, I am very glad that such a well-known specialist as you took up our Kalmyk language! I saw your programs in English and French, it was amazing, just the highest class! I am very glad that it was you who paid attention to us Kalmyks! Looking forward to the first release!
    Hello Dmitry, I watched your program English for 16 hours, now my native Kalmyk language for 16 hours is fantastic! Thank you 🙏
    Torgud Bagtsookhra
    Dmitry, a huge human thanks to you, I wish your project - the white road "Tsagan Haalgt Boltha"! Also many thanks to our patriot of our people Arslan Muchkaev!
    Torgud Bagtsookhra
    Oh, thank you, thank you, my soul became joyful and light, there was hope that the language would not die, but would live forever and ever. I would like to take part in the project, my knowledge of my native language is not at a sufficient level, but I understand it perfectly, all its beauty, thanks to my nanny and parents.
    We are all very lucky that such a polyglot and promoter of language learning is doing this project for us Kalmyks! Khanzhanav, A. Muchkaev🙏🙏🙏 that he came up with burning eyes and organized everyone🙏🙏🙏
    Igor Gracie
    I am abroad. Now more than ever I want to learn my native language
    rfvtgb yhnujm
    I express my deep gratitude to the brilliant teacher Dmitry Petrov for his interest and time devoted to the Kalmyk people and language.
    I know my native language, but I will watch as a sign of gratitude and respect for you, Dmitry.
    Maria K
    Thank you so much for such a cool and important project! We are all looking forward to the course! Good luck and achieve all the goals of the project!!!
    Aloho mora
    How glad I am!! I couldn’t even dream of such a project 😍 Very timely 👍 I express my deep gratitude to all the participants in the project!!!)))))💛
    Mir official
    A very nice person Dmitry Yuryevich. Always impressed me. But we all cannot get away from the fact that the speech apparatus still does not allow him to pronounce the Mongolian words cleanly and correctly) And the participants also do not know about Todo-Bichg) But this is normal. This is a banal and ordinary accent) Everyone has it. Thank you for your work!
    It's great that this project came out! Thanks to all the organizers, thanks to Dmitry Petrov for his choice. I hope this course will be useful to many of my countrymen in the study of our native language. My knowledge is from deep childhood, what I heard in colloquial speech from my grandmother. But after visiting Mongolia came the realization of the loss of part of the culture.
    Om mani padme hum!!

    The beauty of the world is manifested in its diversity. I want to preserve the Kalmyk culture, because it is really beautiful and deep. I am grateful to Dmitry Yuryevich for his willingness to apply his international experience and the methodology that has proven effective for the benefit of our people. As the initiator of the project, I will make every effort so that we get the opportunity to make our native language popular, applicable in everyday communication and simply alive. Modern technologies will make the course freely available to everyone, anywhere in the world.

    Arslan Muchkaev
    Arslan Muchkaev
    Project Initiator

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    Learn Kalmyk in 16 hours
    Mother tongue revival program